sábado, 19 de julho de 2014


Imagem animada do dia 22.07.2014 mostra o Tufão Matmo chegando em Taiwan, categoria 2.

Aqui em 21.07.2014 Tufão Matmo categoria 1, imagem visivel.

Previsão da Trajetória e intensidade:

Dissipação do Tufão:


Tufão: China prepara chegada de Matmo depois de Rammasun ter causado 33 vítimas

A costa leste da China prepara-se hoje para a chegada do tufão Matmo, com o encerramento de hotéis e suspensão de obras, depois de o Rammasun ter provocado a morte de 33 pessoas no sul do país este fim-de-semana.
China prepara chegada de Matmo depois de Rammasun ter causado 33 vítimas

Segundo um comunicado das autoridades meteorológicas chinesas, está previsto que o Matmo chegue à ilha de Taiwan esta noite, antes de assolar a província oriental de Fujian, onde começam a ser tomadas medidas de precaução.
Matmo, o décimo tufão a afetar a China este ano, move-se a uma velocidade entre 20 e 25 quilómetros por hora, acompanhado de ventos de 144 quilómetros por hora, e ao início da madrugada de hoje encontrava-se a cerca de 500 quilómetros da costa sudeste de Fujian.
Devido à sua proximidade, as autoridades preveem chuvas fortes naquela província chinesa e na ilha de Taiwan durante o dia de hoje.
As autoridades começaram a retirar pescadores e agricultores que vivem em zonas com elevadas probabilidades de inundações, sem, no entanto, terem divulgado o número de pessoas retiradas.
O Matmo chega depois de o tufão Rammasun, o pior a assolar a China em quatro décadas, ter causado a morte de 33 pessoas na sua passagem pela ilha de Hainan, província de Cantão e região de Guangxi.
O Rammasun causou prejuízos no valor de 26.550 milhões de yuan (3.160 milhões de euros), segundo dados oficiais, sendo Cantão a província mais afetada.



Tufão Matmo avança para Taiwan

21 de julho de 2014 às 09:55 por César Soares

Um novo tufão se formou sobre a faixa oriental do Pacífico Equatorial. O sistema batizado como Matmo evoluiu no último final de semana de tempestade tropical para tufão. Segundo informações meteorológicas, o centro de baixa pressão tem 965 hPa, as rajadas máximas são de 180 km/h e ele se desloca para noroeste com uma velocidade de 23 km/h.

Com esta intensidade, o sistema poderia ser classificado na escala Saffir-Simpson como um furacão de categoria 1. Há previsão de que o tufão ganhe ainda mais força e atinja Taiwan ainda nesta semana. Principalmente o norte do país deverá sofrer com os fortes rajadas de vento e temporais.


Typhoon Matmo (Henry) Threatens the Philippines, Taiwan, China 

Published: Jul 21, 2014, 7:08 AM EDT weather.com

Talking Points

- Typhoon Matmo is forecast to strengthen, perhaps to Category 3 status.
- Poses a direct threat to Taiwan Wednesday, then eastern China Wednesday night into Thursday.
- Wind alerts issued for parts of the northern Philippines; flash flood, landslide threats, also.
Typhoon Matmo (Philippines name: Henry) is currently east of the northern Philippines and moving northwestward.
Matmo is the third typhoon to threaten the western Pacific Basin in less than three weeks.
(RECAPS: Super Typhoon Neoguri | Super Typhoon Rammasun)

Infrared Satellite

Infrared Satellite

Strengthening Forecast

Typhoon Matmo formed well east of the Philippines, near the island of Yap on Thursday. Matmo strengthened into a typhoon (equivalent to hurricane-strength in the Atlantic or eastern Pacific basins) on Saturday and is expected to strengthen further over the next day or so, possibly to at least Category 3 strength.
With little vertical wind shear (changes in wind speed and direction with height) over the warm waters (well over 80 degrees) of the Philippine Sea, Matmo may become stronger more rapidly than forecast, as we've already seen this month from both Neoguri and Rammasun.

Impact: The Philippines

Matmo is expected to continue moving in a northwesterly direction over the next few days, following the steering currents in the upper atmosphere. The center of Matmo will remain to the east and northeast of the Philippines, about 300 miles from where the center of Typhoon Rammasun came ashore July 15.
But that doesn't mean there won't be some impacts in the Philippines.
The Philippine national weather agency, PAGASA, has hoisted "Public Storm Warning Signal No. 2" for the Batanes Islands, a small group of islands lies about halfway between the country's major northern island, Luzon, and the southern tip of Taiwan. The storm signal means winds of 61-100 kph (38 to 62 mph) is expected in at least 24 hours. The Batanes Islands have a population of about 16,000.
A "Public Storm Warning Signal No. 1" remains in effect for Cagayan province in the far northeastern part of Luzon. The storm signal means winds of 30 to 60 kph (19 to 37 mph) are expected in at least 36 hours. , while Cagayan province has just over 1.1 million people.
In addition, heavy rainbands on the west and southwest sides of the circulation of Matmo (Henry) may trigger flash flooding and mudslides over particularly northern Luzon, still saturated from heavy rainfall from Typhoon Rammasun.
(FORECAST: Manila)

Impact: Taiwan, China, Korea, Japan

Typhoon Matmo is then expected to track toward Taiwan Wednesdaypossibly the first typhoon to make landfall in Taiwan this year.
Matmo could be a Category 3 or stronger equivalent tropical cyclone as it approaches Taiwan, bringing with it the threat of damaging winds and extremely heavy rainfall leading to landslides on this mountainous island.
Just east of Taiwan, the far southwestern islands of Japan (including Ishigakijima) are still within the potential path. A direct strike on the island of Okinawa itself is looking increasingly unlikely.
Beyond Taiwan, Matmo is expected to make landfall in eastern China somewhere south of Shanghai, most likely in the provinces of Fujian or Zhejiang, on Thursday. At this time, the nearest pass of the center of Matmo to Shanghai would be early Friday, local time (China is 12 hours ahead of U.S. EDT).
There is some chance that Matmo could then recurve northeastward and strike the Korean Peninsula by the weekend. That will depend in part on whether Matmo can survive its trek across land in eastern China; the farther west Matmo goes into China, the less the chance any meaningful cyclone will be left to deflect into Korea later.
Interests in the northern Philippines, Taiwan, eastern China, and the Koreas should monitor the progress of this system closely.

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