quinta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2015


Ciclone Tropical Chedza em Madagascar em 16.01.2015.


Last Updated15/01/2015, 22:00:00 (Hora oficial do Brasil)
Location-19.4N 317.7E MovementESE at 4 mph



Floods in Malawi, Mozambique Force Thousands to Flee Homes

At least 75,000 people fled their homes because of flooding in Malawi that has claimed 48 lives, washed away bridges and submerged farmland.
The United Nations said about 1,000 people were taken to safety yesterday as rescue efforts were aided by boats from the Malawi Defence Force and better weather. More rains are forecast in the country’s north, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, or OCHA, said today in a statement.
President Peter Mutharika declared a state of national disaster and called for international aid. Fifteen of Malawi’s 28 districts have been hit by the rains, and the government has set up emergency operations centers in the cities of Blantyre, Lilongwe and Mzuzu, OCHA said. At least 10,000 people in Mozambique and 6,000 in Zimbabwe have also been affected by flooding, according to OCHA.
Five of Malawi’s main roads have been closed, the Blantyre-based Nation newspaper reported today, citing Malawi’s roads authority.
Mutharika’s office said he called off a planned visit to neighboring Mozambique today to attend the inauguration of new President Filipe Nyusi and will visit flood victims instead.
Madagascar could also be hit with a tropical cyclone forming in the Mozambican channel expected to reach the Indian Ocean island tomorrow.

Madagascar Cyclone

“Current high water levels across the country, including around the capital Antananarivo, could exacerbate the impact of the system, which will be named Chedza,” OCHA said today. “Many models are predicting that Chedza will cross Madagascar fairly quickly, only to reorganize itself and move rapidly towards Réunion Island and Mauritius by Jan. 18.”
Malawi is Africa’s top exporter of burley tobacco, a low-grade variety of the crop. Limbe Leaf Tobacco Co., a unit of U.S.-based Universal Corp., Alliance One International Inc. (AOI) and Japan Tobacco Inc. (2914) are among buyers of the nation’s crop. Tobacco accounts for about 60 percent of foreign-exchange earnings.
The heavy rains will curb tobacco production because many farmers are unable to attend their crops, said Reuben Maigwa, the president of the Tobacco Association of Malawi, an industry group.
“The replanting of the crop from areas washed away by the floods might be out of question because most farmers don’t have any more tobacco seedlings,” Maigwa said by telephone from the capital, Lilongwe.
The impact of the flooding on the southern African nation’s economy will depend on how quickly roads and power stations can be restored, according to Edward Chilima, the former president of Economists Association of Malawi.
The “government was pretty quick to declare a state of national disaster,” he said. “That will help open the aid taps.”
To contact the reporters on this story: Frank Jomo in Blantyre at fjomo@bloomberg.net; Mike Cohen in Cape Town at mcohen21@bloomberg.net
To contact the editors responsible for this story: Nasreen Seria at nseria@bloomberg.net Karl Maier


La Réunion coincée entre la nouvelle tempête tropicale Chedza et le cyclone Bansi

Source: Météo France
Source: Météo France
L’île est située entre deux systèmes dépressionnaires en cours. Si Bansi s’éloigne et menace actuellement Rodrigues, le système dépressionnaire Chedza, devenu "tempête tropicale modérée", continue de se rapprocher de notre département. 

Chedza se trouvait à 4h locales à 1250 km à l’Ouest de la Réunion, autour des points 19.3° Sud en 43.4° Est. La pression estimée en son centre est de 977 hPa. Chedza ne cesse de prendre de la vitesse depuis hier et se déplace dorénavant vers l’Est à 22km/h. 

La tempête tropicale modérée devrait passer au plus près de nos côtes ce lundi. 

Le cyclone tropical intense Bansi continue lui de filer vers le Sud-Est à 26km/h et menace actuellement Rodrigues. Situé à 900km dans l’Est-Nord-Est à 4h locales, d’après Météo France, sa présence continue de générer une forte houle cyclonique dans le l’Est au Sud-Ouest de l’île. 

Voici les intensités et positions prévues de Chedza  au cours des prochains jours:

Centre positionné le 17/01 à 04h locales, par 21.1 Sud / 46.3 Est.
Centre positionné le 18/01 à 04h locales, par 21.5 Sud / 51.2 Est.
Centre positionné le 19/01 à 04h locales, par 22.0 Sud / 53.1 Est.
Centre positionné le 20/01 à 04h locales, par 23.2 Sud / 53.6 Est.
Centre positionné le 21/01 à 04h locales, par 24.9 Sud / 54.4 Est. 

Attention: Les prévisions de trajectoire et d'intensité précédentes sont à considérer avec la plus
grande prudence compte tenu de leur incertitude. Elles ne concernent que la position du centre du
phénomène, sans considération sur son extension. 

Source: Météo France
Source: Météo France

Um comentário:

  1. Nao sei como funciona seu blog mas se pode se fala se ta havendo mudanças climáticas no sudeste seria legal ...parabéns pelos seus post
