sábado, 31 de janeiro de 2015


 Imagem do dia 31.01.2015 mostra forte ciclone extratropical sobre o Pacífico Norte causando grande agitação no mar.
Abaixo vemos na imagem em vapor dágua como ocupa uma enorme área do Pacífico.

 Aqui temos a intensidade dos ventos, que quanto mais alto(400mb), em azul , mais fortes ficam os ventos.

Abaixo, as ondas causadas pelo Super ciclone extratropical, que podem chegar a 11m de altura.



Seattle: Storm to 'Dig' Into Pacific Northwest Late This Weekend

By Katy Galimberti, AccuWeather.com Staff Writer
January 31, 2015; 1:41 AM ET

The Seattle area is facing drenching rain and abundant clouds into early next week.
While Saturday will stay mild with sunny skies, a storm system will ramp up and slam the area with rain on Sunday.
Temperatures will hover in the low 50s into midweek during the storm. Skies will be dominated by clouds into Wednesday.

"The storm will dig into the Pacific Northwest into early next week," AccuWeather.com Meteorologist Maggie Samuhel said.
Enhanced showers will move in on Monday with the potential for a washout. Samuhel said the area could receive up to an inch of rain over the course of the storm.
Stay alert to rapidly changing conditions by using MinuteCast® to track rain down to your precise location.

Lindo vídeo mostra paisagens do Pacífico Norte:

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